There are times when we find our true purpose by witnessing another woman’s journey. National Board Certified Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach Marquita Ell unknowingly found her purpose 20 years ago following the death of her maternal grandmother. With more questions than answers, it was during her journey of healing that she became fully present in her calling.
Since 2006, Coach Ell has been on a mission to heal. Empowering client’s for more than 15 years to learn their bodies and take control of their health. With a more holistic approach in recent years, this St. Louis based Health Coach is clearing a path to whole body healing and sustained wellness. She listens first, always leading with literacy and longevity in mind. Teaching client’s to not only improve their quality of life, but to also share the language, behaviors and healthy practices with the family. Healing the village one household at a time.
As a Woman of Color, Marquita also understands the unique experiences of marginalized identities. The race and gender-related complexities of Black womanhood are continuing to plague communities in current day. Black women and mothers are undeservedly experiencing health crises at rates 2 or 3 times that of other races. For this reason, Marquita strives to honor the legacies of her ancestors with every woman who leaves her program healed, empowered and equipped to pass along a lifestyle of healthiness for generations to come.
In the words of our founder,
“When we tend to the needs of the Black Woman first, no one gets left out.”