You Are Who You Say You Are….
…As a contributing author to the book, Unzenable, a Guide to Stress Less and Be More, I am proud to present my small but MIGHTY contribution. Enjoy.

‘ Self-doubt, self-criticism, self-hate, regret and shame. Our greatest stressors at times are rooted in our own inability to forgive.
Who we are when no one’s looking is who needs us most.
It is important to pay closer attention not only to how we stress, but also to how we respond. The space in our brain reserved for negative self-talk, fear and insecurity must never be greater than our sense of purpose, empowerment, imagination, awareness and self-trust.
We were made to experience the brain unrestrained. Not to be caged in by our unhealed inner bodies.
While this journey requires alignment of mind, body and spirit, it also requires a shift. Re-framing how we see ourselves in the world. A stress-centered mindset gives life to a stress-filled body.
The way we think can change the outcome of our health for better or worse. Stress gone unchecked wreaks havoc on brain function, the immune system, the cardiovascular system and every major organ in the body.
There is power in manifestation. Discovering wholeness binds our connection to physical, spiritual, mental and emotional freedom. One cannot thrive without the other. Let’s go deeper.
Have the audacity to shift, re-frame and re-wire. Be intentional in all that you do. How you live, how you love, how you feel and most importantly, how you heal.
You are worth the work. ‘
Marquita Ell
Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Peace, Love and Blessings