Move It or Lose It
…Maintaining mobility is the key to healthy aging.
One of the most stressful things we can do to the body is nothing. That’s right. The Human Body was designed to move. Daily Movement is what keeps the body functioning at its best.
Let’s go back to childhood for a moment. Most of us remember running, jumping, playing and moving every single day. Whether at home or at school, we moved our bodies and loved it. Unfortunately, as we got older, the importance of running and playing became obsolete. Far too often we spend our 20’s and 30’s chasing the “American Dream”, while our health and wellness take a back seat. We’re then left to spend our 40’s and 50’s paying for it. If only we knew then, what we know now.
Inactivity in the U.S. is now contributing to as many deaths as smoking cigarettes. With an increase in office jobs and time spent online, we’re now facing one of the most preventable health crises of all time.
Research has linked sedentary behavior to an increased risk for obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and more. When people sit and are not physically active, their muscles and bones can weaken, and they are more likely to gain weight. (

The bottom line is this. If you’re not moving, you’re losing. Mobility that is…
No matter how small, do something every single day.
Create a CULTURE of movement within the household.
Get everyone involved.
The younger the better.
Children need to see adults taking movement seriously.
We’re Building Generational Health and passing it along.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Get into the daily practice of stretching. Walk back and forth during commercial breaks. Join a walking club. Join a gym. Be intentional. Be purposeful. Most importantly, get up and move.
It’s less about age and more about agility. If you continue being active from adolescence through adulthood, you are more likely to maintain a healthy body weight, to reduce joint related injuries and to prevent slip and falls later in life.
If you’ve been sitting for more than 30 minutes, time to stand up.